Friday, May 9, 2014

The Priestly Halal

Meat is a big industry, so much so, Hashem even invested in it, as the Temple's personal favorite side business is, was, and will always be, in dealing with meat. We all know that the Temple's daily regimen is involved with the karbanot - offering animals and usually partaking in the festive meal to follow. Couple this with the commandment of giving improperly sacrificed animals to the Ger and selling to the gentile proper, and the Temple has quite an industry going in its favor; worldwide no less.

One must figure that in an ideal scenario, one with the Temple erect on the Temple Mount, Judaism would have a monopoly on the meat market, just by sheer numbers alone. With gentiles and Jews making pilgrimage to Jerusalem possibly multiple times a year, along with the festivals, plus the holiday seasonal offerings  [and their high volume of improperly killed animals that become the token of charity to the Nations] - it is safe to say that Jerusalem would be hard to beat, especially when you throw world wide ideology into this mix.

Suffice it to say, when Moshiach comes, you will make meat industry synonymous with the Temple and Jerusalem. A word to the wise, buy now.

Thus we have the stage set for quite an interesting side show as the pending exile is ready to subside, and that is to acknowledge what is going on in the Muslim camps with their timely rising meat industry.

Islam has its own label of quasi kosher called halal, a unique to Islam way of slaughter and handling of meat. It is in many ways based on Judaism's kosher and similar in its generic overview, but obviously the undertones are what strike the senses as being an overt expression of danger on many fronts.

The meat industry of today is subsiding with halal, and although this isn't to the detriment of Jewish kosher, but rather it is their statement that drips out of this scenario that is the most alarming.

Do we want Islamic ideology entering the meat industry? Do we want that clout hovering over your pepperoni pizza in the gentile world? Do we want the Arabic slogans and propaganda popping up every time someone wants a hamburger? This is a declaration type of move they are pushing, and they are succeeding, as many are unaware, disinterested, or just plain ignorant to put a foot down.

The conflict is quite simple: God chose the meat industry for a reason when it became part of the fabric of the eternal Temple. The laws given to Adam, Noah, and Moses are all heavily weighed on all facets of meat and its care and consumption.  To put it simply: God cares about meat, He cares about it deeply, both in its spiritual and physical form, so much that Moses' name is rooted in meat in that God Himself calls Moses "nothing more than meat!"

With this having been said, Islam has just waged war against God in perhaps the deepest battle lines yet. This is akin to Rome burning down the Temple, for Muhamed is now keeping those coals stoked and actually having the chutzpah to BBQ on the lawn of the Temple that Isaac [Ishmael's adversary] called a field, and Muslims apparently take this literally in a figurative sense. [if that irony is at all logical; such is the methodology of the Koran]

There you have it: Hashem wishes to end the exile, redeem Jews and Gerim, and ultimately build this final Temple on Zion. And hypothetically,  Islam is standing against God, with sword and steak in hand, as if to prevent the Temple from becoming a reality and allowing Humanity to progress forward towards a greater decency. This is not the only move of this nature they have made, for they bury their dead in the gates of the site of Temple, as if to not allow the Jewish Priests to enter the confines of a would be Temple, for the Torah protects against the impurities of death. But of course what they don't realize, is that this only pertains to Jews, and thus their decayed bodies do not actually pose any threat to God nor His plan of redemption.

So too with the meat industry. But at least we can see how far and deep this war extends itself; for one can easily fathom the platform at hand - controlling meat, is controlling the World and thus perforce an attempt to manipulate God and His word.


What is halal meat? Halal is Arabic for permissible. Halal food is that which adheres to Islamic law, as defined in the Koran.

The Islamic form of slaughtering animals or poultry, dhabiha, involves killing through a cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe.

 Animals must be alive and healthy at the time of slaughter and all blood is drained from the carcass. During the process, a Muslim will recite a dedication, know as tasmiya or shahada.

Stunning cannot be used to kill an animal, according to the Halal Food Authority (HFA), but it can be used if the animal survives and is then killed by halal methods.

UK Food Standards Agency figures from 2011 suggest 84% of cattle, 81% of sheep and 88% of chickens slaughtered for halal meat were stunned before they died.

Supermarkets selling halal products say they stun all animals before they are slaughtered. Tesco says the only difference between the halal meat it sells and other meat is that it was blessed as it was killed.

Stunning of livestock has been mandatory in the the EU since 1979, although member states can grant exemptions for religious slaughter.

Some countries, including Denmark, have opted to ban non-stunning slaughter altogether. The UK government says it has no intention of banning religious slaughter.

 Is it different from kosher meat? Kosher food complies with Jewish dietary law (kashrut), again governing what can and cannot be eaten by those practising the faith.

There are similarities in the method of slaughter in that both require use of a surgically sharp knife and specially-trained slaughtermen.

However, Jewish law strictly forbids the use of stunning and meats are not blessed in the same way.

For example, unlike for halal, kashrut does not require God's name to be said before every slaughter after an initial blessing.

Kashrut also forbids the consumption of certain parts of the carcass, which is not the case for halal.

 What are the rules on labelling? Currently, there is no requirement for halal or kosher meat to be specifically labelled.

 Why are retailers and restaurants selling it? By ensuring food meets halal criteria, retailers and restaurants are making their products suitable for the UK's Muslim population.

Under HFA guidelines, slaughterhouses must be completely halal compliant.

 That means they cannot have some areas that meet standards and others which do not.

The HFA says many slaughterhouses will have chosen to move to halal processes so they do not lose Muslim customers.

The latest census suggests there are 2.7 million Muslims in the UK, with a spending power estimated in the region of £20bn.

 How widespread is halal in the UK? A number of supermarkets including Marks and Spencer, Tesco, Morrisons, and the Co-op all sell halal lamb. Some Waitrose lamb products are given a Halal blessing, but are not supplied separately and are therefore not considered halal on the shelves, the chain said.

The Sun newspaper prompted a debate after running a front page reporting that all chicken served at Pizza Express was halal and customers were not being told.

The HFA estimates 15% of all meat slaughtered in the UK is halal compliant.

 What changes are being suggested? Campaigners and politicians are calling for clearer labelling of halal products to give consumers more information on how their food is prepared.

  Jewish and Muslim leaders agree, and have called for "comprehensive labelling" of meat.

They say consumers should be told whether an animal has been stunned before being slaughtered, along with the method of slaughter.


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